
Are your looking for a different type of fundraiser for your organization?  We have two different ways that you can utilize our incredible selection of merchandise to meet your fundraising goals.

  1. Online Fundraiser. We will provide you with a link to our website that will track all of your sales.  All you need to do is let people know what your link is and then let them know when your fundraiser ends.  We typically keep sales open for a month.  You’ll be able to track your orders online so you’ll be able to keep up on what you’ve made.  If you’d like us to add custom products for your organization, we can do that too.  For instance, you can have car window decals, headbands, and shirts ready to go with your logo.  You’ll make 35% off the retail amount sold.    
  1. Tournament/Show Sale. If you have a tournament or a show coming up for your team that you know will bring in a large number of people, you can have merchandise sent to you to sell in person at the show.  Depending on the type of show that you are doing will determine how much merchandise you are loaned.  Please note that we aren’t able to provide custom merchandise for this type of sale.  You’ll make 20% - 35% off the retail amount sold depending on volume.  
  1. Flyer/Pre Orders. If you prefer, we can make a flyer for you showing the options available for purchase.  Then once you’ve accumulated all of your orders you can make one large order.  The items will be shipped directly to the person in charge of the fundraiser and not to individuals.  You’ll make 20% - 35% off the retail amount sold depending on volume.    

All of our fundraising options require that you fill out information regarding the organization for billing and tax purposes.